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Time (Answered)

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 8:30 pm
by Husamuel
Al salam alaykum warahamtu Allah wabarakatuh most loving :)

We know that Time is an illusion, so my question is, what is meant by we have no time left?

or when we say The companion of Time as a title for you?

Re: Time

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 11:27 am
by Aba-AlSadiq
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
And All praises due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
And may He send his Peace and Blessings upon Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed, the Imams and the Mahdis,

Imam Ahmed Al Hassan a.s. has said previously that time and age are an illusion and that in fact there is no such thing. We only perceive it to be the case from this 3 dimensional world. But outside of it, time does not exist and all events are happening at once. Seeing how we are in it, this three dimensional world, from the perspective of human beings, we measure things by time and thus we might say we are running out of time, or there is no time left etc.

Time is a title and one of the names of Aba Michael as, and the title "Companion of Time" for Imam Mahdi as means the companion of Michael as.

Aba Al Sadiq