Is this verse specifically for Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Mswr only in the Gospel?

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In the Name of Allah The Abundantly Merciful The Intensely Merciful

O Allah send your prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad the Imams and the Mahdis submit a full submission.

Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon my Lord and my Master Imam Mahdi Sawas and Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Mswr and upon the beloved Father Aba Al-Sadiq Abdulllah Hashem Mswr and the rest of our masters the Mahdis Pbut.

I have a question in regards this verse specifically,

Jesus Christ Pbuh said:
"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you "another Comforter", that he may abide with you for ever;"

~John 14:16~

Now that verse made me think and contemplate. We know the word "Comforter" is Paraclete in Greek and another meaning for that is The Praised One which is "Ahmad". We know that Prophet Sawas claimed it as "Ahmad or Comforter". Now what fascinating me is the verse above "another Comforter" if we go to translate this it will be "another Ahmad". So my question is, is that another Ahmad is referring to Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Mswr exclusively?

Thank you in advance my Sayyedi Aba Al-Sadiq Mswr 🌹
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