Do the rank of infallibility have a degree?

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In The Name of Allah The Abundantly Merciful The Intensely Merciful

O Allah, send your prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad the Imams and the Mahdis submit with a full submission

Peace,Mercy and Blessing of Allah be upon my Lord and my Master Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Mswr and Master Aba Al-Sadiq a.s and the rest of the Mahdis a.s.

We learned from Master Aba Al-Sadiq a.s that the concept of infallibility have two types, the inherent infallibility and the earned infallibility. And inherent infallibility is a person whom since birth up until his last moment, he or she never commit a mistake nor he or she sin and they are the 14 infallibles, and as for the earned infallibility it means that they are not infallible since birth but they reach that infallibility at some point of their life. We also learned from Master Aba Al-Sadiq a.s that those who do not reach earned infallibility yet it still possible for them to make mistake but after they reach it then they won't make mistake anymore.

My questions are:

1) Does the earned infallibility have a certain degree ? Because for example that some prophets and messengers have made a mistake during their prophethood for example you have Prophet Moses a.s asking to see Allah SWT and he already a prophet appointed by God. At some point you have some prophets and messengers whom were erased from the list of prophethood. So that why I asked does the earned infallibility have a certain degree or it contrarily meaning they are not necessarily reach the rank of earned infallibility first but they reach it another time eventhought they already appointed by God before hand.

2) We learned from the Finding Jesus shows about the imperfect prophets and interestingly the presenter mentioned about the mistake of Prophet Muhammad Sawas and that was "Hesitation" and we learnt that Prophet Muhammad Sawas have an inherent infallibility, so the question is, does the mistake also have level? Meaning mistake that does not affect the infallibility.

Thank you in advance my Father and my Master Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Mswr and the rest of the Mahdis a.s

From Your Servant
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