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Living Utopia by Juan Gamero & Paul Sharkey - Documentary about the social revolution of 1936 in Spain

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:17 pm
by Sami3u_Allah
Living Utopia
In Spain, after declaring the second republic in 1931, the military, dissatisfied with the regime, decided to carry out a coup in 1936 that ended up becoming a civil war, in this climate a large number of people after taking up arms to prevent the military dictatorship decided make a social revolution where they created a collectivist, self-managed society and where money was even abolished, I find this historical period very interesting, in this document you can find details about the background of the revolution of 36 in Spain, as well as descriptions of how it happened and interviews of people who lived at that time.

Living the Utopia is a 1997 documentary, produced by TVE and directed by Juan Gamero, which describes the anarcho-syndicalist and anarcho-communist experience lived in Spain that radically transformed the structures of society in large areas of the Republican side, an event called the Spanish Revolution , during the civil war of 1936-39.

It consists of 30 interviews with anarchist survivors of the Spanish revolution, whose testimony shows the constructive work of the social revolution and the historical background of the Spanish libertarian movement. This constructive work meant, according to the documentary, the organization of agricultural collectives of around 7 million peasants, 3,000 factories and collectively self-managed companies in the cities, the union of 150,000 militiamen against fascism, as well as cultural, educational and cultural activities. Free Women movement of women against patriarchy.