Bipolar Disorders

Here is where we will post all your questions and answers to the Imam a.s

Moderator: Shana

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Posts: 54
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:50 am

In The Name of Allah The Abundantly Merciful The Intensely Merciful

O Allah send your prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad The Imams and the Mahdis submit with a full submission.

Peace,Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you my Master and my Father Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (From him is peace and mercy) and Master Aba Al-Sadiq a.s and the rest of the Mahdis a.s

With your will my Master a.s, can you tell us what is the cause for bipolar disorders and what is the cure for it?

Thank you my Sayyedi a.s,

From your servant
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