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هل الرسم حرام؟- Is Drawing Haram? (Answered تمت الإجابة)

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:22 pm
by Shana
drawing.jpg (86.71 KiB) Viewed 1941 times
Question: Is drawing haram?
هل الرسم حرام؟

Answer: The Art of Drawing is the same as the rest of works, if it is used in a bad way then it is haram and if it is used in a good way then it is halal. What is haram in this art is only drawing the obscene and other than that of haram things, may Allah grant you success.

ان فن الرسم حاله حال باقي الأعمال ان أسأت استخدامها فهي حرام وان احسنت استخدامها فهي حلال
الحرام في هذا الفن فقط رسم الفواحش وغیرها من المحرمات
وفقك االله