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Mercy and Humanity FIRST!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:47 pm
by Attika
What I have learnt from Imam Ahmed al Hassan as is Humanity and Mercy first.. try find a religion or scholar who would say that? This religion is unique because we are a religion that respects, and has United all of the religions in one.. Even if you are a disbeliever, believer, or anybody with another believer,. HUMANITY first how beautiful is that.
“Imam Ahmed al Hassan as said :How are you, my sons and daughters? I ask Allah that you are well. A question to everybody. If a disbelieving atheist came to you asking for water for him and his son, and at the same time a Muslim believer in God came to you asking for water for himself, and you only have one cup of water, whom would you give it to?" One of the believers answered: "To the atheist so that it might be a reason for him to believe in God". So the Imam said: "Ok, thank you, my son", another believer answered: "To the atheist so that we may show him the characteristics of God", so he (pbuh) said: "Thank you my son". Then another believer answered: "I will give the cup to the young son of the atheist, and the rest of the water in the cup will be for his father". So the Imam (pbuh) continued: "You have done well. Mercy, away from religion and Islam and convictions, mercy first, whether he is a believer or not, it does not matter. Mercy, humanity, ya Allah, mercy, humanity, far away from religion. Do not think whether he is a believer or whether he will be affected by your deed, think of mercy first".

Peace be upon you all🌹