Types of Burial rituals

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Joined: Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:11 pm

There are many death/ burial rituals across the world today

Some very bizarre such as turning dead ones into jewellery (Korea) eating the dead (Wari tribe Brazil) sky burials , dancing with the dead (Africa) some common such as cremation and the natural burial

And The ancients heavily believed in the afterlife so they had many fascinating burial practices to make sure the soul gets safely to the other side

The oldest known intentional burial site is Qafzeh in Israel, which dates back almost 10,000 years.

These early humans buried their dead very deliberately in a cave. The remains were placed in coffins with various burial items, such as garments, trinkets, and food.

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The Egyptians believed in the afterlife and believed the soul needed a body hence the ritual of mummification and that preserving the name and face of the dead was vital for them to reach the afterlife and if there memory was erased then they too would be erased in the hereafter hence why you will notice Akanaten statues are broken because due to his monotheism the people wanted to erase him from history

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The Greeks placed high value on immortality and believed that the preservation of their memory served this purpose. Great works of Greek art have resulted from the desire to preserve the memory of the dead.
for the transition from life to death. Performing the rituals helped ensure that the deceased had a peaceful journey to the afterlife. If they performed the rituals wrong, then the deceased went to the underworld. Many people feared death because they didn’t want to end up in the

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In Hinduism No importance is placed on the body, which is seen as merely a vessel for the soul. In Indian history the Indians practised Sati ( burning widows alive) Such women are revered for their fidelity to their husbands and to tradition, and often are worshiped themselves as goddesses.

In Hindu mythology, Sati was the wife of the god Shiva. She jumped onto a ceremonial fire after an argument with her estranged father, who had insulted her husband.

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Many cultures in southeast Asia believed in reincarnation so they helped guide those who were dying into a peaceful death by whispering Buddhist scripture in their ear.

There were numerous ceremonies to ensure a good place in the afterlife, and cremations could be postponed for these, too. The important thing was to make sure the spirits of the dead were happy.

And today in tibet a Vajrayana Buddhist funeral practice in which a human corpse is placed on a mountaintop to decompose while exposed to the elements or to be eaten by scavenging animals, especially carrion birds. It is a specific type of the general practice of excarnation. The is also a part of Zoroastrian burial practices

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Nordic funerals
Viking funerals involved human sacrifice, as servants and slaves were sent by this means to serve their dead master in the afterlife. The human sacrifice, however, depended on whether the deceased was cremated or buried. For the former, those accompanying the dead would be burnt alive, whereas for the latter, their bodies would be placed in a specific position so as to ensure that they would arrive in the afterlife.

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It's interesting to note that scientists assumed that only humans could come up with something as complex as burying their dead
The first debate over nonhumans burying their dead arose in 1908 with the discovery of a fairly complete Neanderthal skeleton near La Chapelle-aux-Saints in France. After excavating there find, the discoverers argued that the skeleton had clearly been deliberately buried. To them, it looked as though a grave had been dug, the body purposefully laid inside in the foetal position and another discovery in Iraq found pollen when excavating in multiple Neanderthal burial sites

Ralph Solecki, the leader of the team and an anthropologist at Columbia University, viewed this pollen as evidence that colourful flowers were placed in the grave when the Neanderthal was buried, in a very modern human style.

He argued that scientists could no longer deny that Neanderthals experienced the “full range of human feelings.”

Is this not suggesting before humans there was also very intelligent creatures who would also honour their dead ?

"For dust you are and to dust you shall return "

the abrahamic faiths have said the first to practice a burial was Cain the son of Adam who murdered his brother Abel.

As for today Muslims and Jews prepare the body for burial by washing the body with warm water from head to feet. Jews call this process "Tahara." Muslims apply "ghusl," or the ritual of ablution.

Roman Catholicism and the Orthodox Churches still strongly favour burial over cremation due to a belief in the physical resurrection of the body.

So what could be the origin of such death rituals and is there and ideal burial practice?

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