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Where is Abdullah Hashem in the will of Prophet Muhammad (sawas)?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 2:22 am
by Shana
In the Name of Allah the Abundantly Merciful, the Intensely Merciful .
All praises belong to Allah the Lord of the Worlds.
O Allah send Your prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad the Imams and the Mahdis.

The Greatest Messenger of Allah; Muhammad (sawas), on the night of his death, dictated his Holy Will to Imam Ali a.s., until he reached the place where he (sawas) said:

“...... so those are Twelve Imams. Then there will be twelve Mahdis after him, so if death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, the first of the close ones, he has three names, one like mine and my Father’s: Abdullah, Ahmed, and the third name is Mahdi, and he is the first of the Believers’” - Source: Al-Ghaybah by al-Toosi page 150
Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s. the leader of the blessed Black Banners of the East have declared that Abdullah Hashem is the second Mahdi a.s, and that he is " Abdullah " mentioned in the Holy Will of Prophet Muhammad sawas.

The followers of the cursed office of Najaf say to us: "How can Abdullah Hashem be "Abdullah" mentioned in the will of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad sawas? The three names mentioned in the will belong only to the first Mahdi; Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s"- End of their words.

InshaAllah this post attempts to clarify and prove that the three names mentioned in the will (Ahmed, Abdullah, and Mahdi) belong to three different characters (and they are the first Mahdi Ahmed alHassan a.s., the second Mahdi Abdullah Hashem a.s, and the third Mahdi, Mahdi a.s).

(Which is a point that all the Ansar agree on, so this point is a reminder)

No one can be the first to claim that he is the name mentioned in the Holy Will, except for the rightful claimant. And if you say the opposite of that, then you would be accusing Allah swt that He unjustly misguides the people (far away is He swt from that).

The Will of Prophet Muhammad sawas was written in the last days of his life, and Prophet Muhammad sawas described his will as being "protection from misguidance" for whoever holds tight to it. And this is mentioned in the most authentic books of the Sunnis as well the most authentic books of the Shias.
The fact that the Prophet sawas describes this Will as being "protection from misguidance" means that it is IMPOSSIBLE that anyone can claim this Holy Will except for its rightful owner. The Messenger of Allah sawas does not speak of his own desire, rather it is an inspiration inspired to him by God swt [as mentioned in the Holy Qur'an].

And whoever says that a false claimant can be the first to claim that he is the one mentioned in the Will, then that would be an accusation to God swt that He has misguided the people who have held tight to the Will which His Prophet sawas described as a protection from misguidance for whoever holds tight to it! And far away is God swt from that.

So Allah swt must protect and safeguard this Holy Will until the aim from it is fulfilled. Rather He swt says in the Holy Qur'an: {And if he had invented false sayings concerning us (in Our name) * We would have seized him by the right hand * Then certainly We would have cut off his life artery} [Holy Qur'an 69:44-46]
So Allah swt is promising that if someone claims falsely in His name, He swt would cut his life off and He swt would cut his life off before even he makes his claim public (if it was false claim) as mentioned by Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s and Ahlul Bayt a.s. But there had been many many times where false people have claimed that they are messengers from God orp prophets of God or that they are the Mahdi or or or, and their life was not cut off by God.

So what does Allah swt mean by the Holy verse mentioned above? He swt means that He would cut off the life of the ones who would falsely claim something which He swt had promised to be a protection from misguidance, which He swt have guaranteed as a proof upon the people, like the Will of Prophet Muhammad sawas, He swt would cut their life off (meaning take their life, make them die) before they even make their claim public, because God swt had promised that holding tight to this Will is a protection from misguidance so He would not let anyone claim it falsely.
So anyone can falsely claim to be the Mahdi, and it happened several times in the past. But no one EVER claimed to be "Ahmed" mentioned in the Holy Will of Prophet Muhammad sawas which is described by him sawas to be a protection from misguidance, except for Ahmed Alhassan a.s. who was the first to ever claim that.

And as such, no one ever claimed to be "Abdullah" mentioned in the Holy Will of Prophet Muhammad sawas except for Abdullah Hashem Aba alSadiq a.s. by the command of Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s. the leader of the Blessed Black Banners of the East.
Imam al-Sadiq a.s. said: "Indeed no one can ever claim this matter except for its rightful owner, or else Allah will cut his life off (making him die)" . Source: Al-Kafi by al-Kulayni, volume 1, page 372.

Therefore, it is impossible, according to the Holy Qur'an and according to the Hadiths of Ahul Bayt a.s, that anyone can be the first to claim a divine text (like the Holy Will of Prophet Muhammad sawas which is described to be a protection from misguidance for whoever holds tight to it), except for its rightful owner.
And therefore, Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s. is indeed Ahmed who is mentioned in the Holy Will, and indeed Abdullah Hashem a.s. is Abdullah who is mentioned in the Holy Will.


Where is Abdullah Hashem a.s. in the Holy Will?

The Greatest Messenger of Allah; Muhammad (sawas), on the night of his death, dictated his Holy Will to Imam Ali a.s., until he reached the place where he (sawas) said:
“...... so those are Twelve Imams. Then there will be twelve Mahdis after him, so if death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, the first of the close ones, he has three names, one like mine and my Father’s: Abdullah, Ahmed, and the third name is Mahdi, and he is the first of the Believers’” Source: Al-Ghaybah by al-Toosi page 150

The deniers have objected against us saying: "The three names belong to the first Mahdi Ahmed alHassan a.s., and the proof for that is that the Messenger of Allah sawas said ("then let him hand it over to his "son"), and ("and he is the first of the believers"), so how do you say that Abdullah Hashem is Abdullah mentioned in the Will even though the Prophet sawas is talking in the singular form, not in plural!" - End of the deniers' words.

Now those deniers are just as the Twelver Shia who objected against Imam Ahmed al-Hassan a.s. when he a.s used the following narrations as a proof for himself: (The Commander of the Believers Imam Ali a.s. said: A man from my sons will emerge in the end times....[until he said]...he has two names, one name will be hidden, and one name will be announced. As for the hidden name it is Ahmed, and as for the announced name it is Muhammad...) - Kamul Din wa Tamamul N'ima - by Sheikh al-Suduq- page 653, and the narration of Imam Baqir a.s. when he said: "The Qa'im has two names, one name will be hidden, and one name will be announced. As for the hidden name it is Ahmed, and as for the announced name it is Muhammad..) Kamul Din wa Tamamul N'ima - by Sheikh al-Suduq- Volume 2 - Page 653, door 57.
And Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s. had argued against the Twelver Shia saying that he is "Ahmed" mentioned in the above two narrations.

The Twelver Shia objected against Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s. saying that Imam Ali a.s. said "a man from my sons" not "two men from my sons", and that Imam al-Baqir a.s. said: "The Qa'im has two names..", not "the two Qa'ims", nor "the Qa'ims"!! So the point they were trying to make is that the word "a man", and "the Qa'im" is singular, not plural, so it is only referring to one singular man (Imam Mahdi a.s), and not to Imam Mahdi a.s and Ahmed alHassan! (That's their argument against Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s.)

Isn't this the very same argument that some of the "Ansar" today are using against Aba alSadiq Abdullah Hashem a.s. when he argued against them by the fact that he is Abdullah who is mentioned in the Holy Will of Prophet Muhammad sawas which protects from misguidance?

So how have Imam Ahmed al-Hassan a.s. and the "Ansar" responded to the Twelver Shia when they objected against him a.s using the above argument? The Imam a.s. and the "Ansar" have responded by saying that which means that the words of the Infallible Imams are interpreted upon 70 faces (have 70 meanings), as Imam al-Sadiq a.s said, and it depends on whether there are believers who would be able to handle their words or not, and that the Infallibles a.s. use the allegorical speech in order to safeguard and protect the matter until its time arrives and until the people who can handle it arrive, and that the sentence: "the Qaim has two names", means that the Qa'im has two characters; so "one name will be announced' means one character will be announced, and he is Muhammad ibn alHassan alAskari a.s., and "and one name will be hidden", means one character will be hidden until he appears with the Holy Will which protects from misguidance and uses it as a proof upon the people, and that this hidden character is Ahmed a.s. mentioned in the Holy Will.

So as such is the matter of the Will which protects from misguidance; "three names" means "three characters"; Ahmed, Abdullah, and Mahdi (peace be upon them all). Ahmed a.s. is the first Mahdi. Abdullah a.s is the second Mahdi. Mahdi a.s. is the third Mahdi, and the third Mahdi is the first of the believers in this round just as he was the first of the believers in his round as Moses a.s {Moses said, "Exalted are You! I have repented to You, And I am the first of the believers."} [Holy Qur'an 7:143]

So "he has two names" in the narrations which Imam Ahmed Alhassan a.s. and all the Ansar have argued by it against Twelver shia (which all the Ansar agree that it means "two characters"), is the same as "he has three names" which is mentioned in the Holy Will, which also means "three characters".

So whoever rejects this clarification is the same as those who call themselves shia who have refused the clarification of Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s regarding the narration of "the Qa'im has two names" and just took the apparent of the narration.

There you have it, the clarification of where Abdullah Hashem a.s. is in the Holy Will, and all praises due to Allah alone alone alone, even though claiming the will is a proof alone for anyone who is sincerely seeking the truth. If Abdullah a.s. was not truthful Allah swt would have cut his life off before he even made his claim public.


1. Besides all what we mentioned above, even though the three names in the Holy Will (Ahmed, Abdullah, and Mahdi) surely refer to three different characters, it is still ok that the Prophet sawas attributed all of them to the first Mahdi a.s. for all the Imams and the Mahdis a.s. are one light, and all those who ponder over the Hadiths of the Family of Muhammad a.s. will find that they a.s. would many times attribute to themselves the actions of each other, and you find Imam Ali a.s. saying "I will build a platform in Egypt [until he said]...a man from me will do it", and you find Imam Ali a.s. saying "I am Muhammad and Muhammad is me", and much much more.

Indeed their speech has several meanings, and several interpretations. Aba Abdillah Imam Ja'far alSadiq a.s. said: "Verily, the one word from our speech is interpreted upon seventy meanings, and we have an exit from each of the meanings" [Bihar alAnwar, v2, p184. So the fact that it is correct that the three names be attributed by the Prophet sawas to Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s., does not deny the absolute fact that the three names are also referring to three different characters, as it has been clarified above, because their a.s. speech is interpreted upon so many meanings, and one factor is the presence of the people who can handle it.

2. The Samiri office of Najaf (which is led by people who were among the "Bitana" and "Walijah" of Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s, and whom have fallen as the Hadiths clearly mention), have been telling their followers that the Holy Will became useless after Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s. claimed it. And surely they have been teaching that to their Ansar so they make them fail to give victory to the Mahdis a.s. and fight them a.s.

So we say: O cursed Samiri, so what do you say about the fact that Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s. have used the following Holy verse as a proof: {And when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmed." But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic."} [Holy Qur'an 61:6]

It has been mentioned many many times from the Ahlul Bayt a.s. that "Ahmed" mentioned in the above verse is the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (sawas). But also in "Sharh Usul al-Kafi" which is a trusted book by the Shia, it has been mentioned that there is a Prophet and an Imam both named Ahmed, one would be born in Makkah and the other in Iraq and that the holy verse was talking about them both at the same time. And we know that Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s has used this verse to be talking about him (Ahmed alHassan a.s). So O cursed Samiri do you now deny the argument of Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s.?

Obviously "Ahmed" who is mentioned in the very same verse, refers to Ahmed alHassan a.s., and also to the Messenger of Allah Muhammad sawas. And obviously Prophet Muhammad sawas had claimed that he was "Ahmed" mentioned in the divine text of the Christians, but that did not make the divine text useless after that, for later on came Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s. and claimed that he is "Ahmed" mentioned in the divine text of the Christians.

Even Harmala the cursed; Tawfik al-Maghribi may Allah curse him, has said in his commentary of the book the 13th disciple that which means that the prophecy or the divine text which mentions a divine messenger or character can mention a singular name or a description of a singular character but in fact it is referring to several characters, some in the near future and some in the later future (meaning in the short run the text would apply on certain character, and on the long run it would apply on another character, etc).

And he (may Allah curse him) mentioned how there is a text in the bible which - in the near future - it applied on the wife of Isaiah , but in the later future it applied on Virgin Mary a.s, and that there is a text in the bible that applied on Hezekiah on the short run, but it applied on Christ a.s on the long run, etc
So clearly, again, Tawfik may Allah curse him, is admitting that the divine text has several meanings and can be applied to several characters even if the apparent of the text is talking about a "singular" character. So we ask the cursed Harmala and the cursed Samiris of the office of Najaf, have you forgotten? Or you pretend to have forgotten what you have written with your hands when it became a Proof upon you!!

And we are not even saying that Aba alSadiq Abdullah Hashem a.s. is the Holy Mawla Ahmed Alhassan a.s., rather what we are saying is that Abdullah Hashem Aba alSadiq a.s. is the second Mahdi (the Successor of the first Mahdi Ahmed alHassan a.s.) and that he is "Abdullah" who is mentioned in the Holy Will of Prophet Muhammad sawas which protects from misguidance, and that he today is using the Holy Will as a proof upon the people, and he is saying to you just as you all agree that when Imam alBaqir a.s. said "the Qa'im has two names" it means "two characters; Imam Mahdi a.s. and Imam Ahmed alHassan a.s.", Likewise "he has three names" mentioned in the Holy Will means "three characters; Ahmed alHassan a.s (the 1st Mahdi), Abdullah Hashem a.s. (the 2nd Mahdi), and Mahdi a.s. the first of the believers Moses a.s. in his return (the 3rd Mahdi)"

And all praises belong to Allah alone alone alone.

{O our people, respond to the Caller of Allah and believe in him; Allah will forgive for you your sins and protect you from a painful punishment. But he who does not respond to the Caller of Allah will not cause failure [to Him] upon earth, and he will not have besides Him any protectors. Those are in manifest misguidance.} [Holy Qur'an 46: 31-32]

O Ahmed, O Abdullah, O Mahdi, from you O Ahlul Bayt is goodness, and in you is goodness, and upon you is goodness.
O Allah send Your prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad the Imams and Mahdis.

Re: Where is Abdullah Hashem in the will of Prophet Muhammad (sawas)?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 2:23 am
by Shana
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