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​الوثنین / The Two Idols ( Answered / تمت الإجابة )

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:54 pm
by Shana
Question: "Qaim pbuh is going to bring the two idols back to life and they're going to be as fresh as the prophet's pbuhap time and those who will have their love and wilayah kept in their hearts until that day will be reealed by the Qaim pbuh and then Qaim pbuh will hang those two in a tree and then burn them and then he pbuh will command the wind to take their ash 7 seas beyond and in the event that will occur on that day, hypocrites who have kept the two's love and wilayah in their hearts will be revealed and this fitna that will be caused by the two idols will be unforgetable."
Is it possible that these two idols (lanatullahi aleyhim) are represented by hamami and ukayli?

بعد مشاهدتي لحلقة المباهلة، وردت هذه الروایة في ذهني، فأرجو أن أسأل الأخ یقول الحدیث بما معناه أن القائم علیه السلام یخرج الوثنین غضین رطبین فیلعنهما ویتبرأ منهما ویصلبهما،ثم ینزلهما فیحرقهما ثم یذریهما في الریح. هل المقصود هم فلان و فلان لعنهم االله أم من یمثلهما في هذا الزمان مثل ناظم العقیلي وحسن الحمامي؟

Answer: In the Name of Allah, The Abundantly Merciful, The Intensely Merciful
All praises belong to Allah the Lord of the Worlds
O Allah send Your prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad the Imams and the Mahdis
This is a dangerous question. I apologize for not answering.

بسم االله الرحمن الرحیم
والحمد الله رب العالمین
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الأئمة والمهدیین وسلم تسلیما كثیرا
هذا سؤال خطیر اعتذر عن الجواب