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Is it correct that Sayyed Ahmed Al-Hassan praises Al-Khomeini? ( Answered / تمت الإجابة )

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 7:09 pm
by Shana
Question: Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you
Is it correct that Sayyed Ahmed Al-Hassan praises Al-Khomeini?
-Yara Kamel

Answer: In the name of Allah the Abundantly Merciful the Intensely Merciful
O Allah send your prayers and blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad the Imams and the Mahdis.

On what should we praise Al Khomeini?! Should we praise him for example for his fatwa on tafkhith the infant girl (rubbing males private parts on the thighs of an infant girl) And those despicable fatwas which took them to this degradation! Does nothing remain from there religion except for their care for their stomachs and desires and sex, until they reached the point to assault children who do not have any power or strength nor awareness! Would you like that we praise a man who gave such Despicable fatwa? I ask my Lord Allah for forgiveness and I repent to him, and there is no strength nor power except by Allah the High the Great

Ahmed Al-Hassan / Shawwal 1436